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NV Halloween Extravaganza @ Bio Rex Lasipalatsi on Saturday, October 30, 2021

Night Visions celebrates this year’s Halloween weekend with a stellar selection of four features and one short at Helsinki’s Bio Rex Lasipalatsi cinema on Saturday, October 30, 2021. All new features in the lineup are Finnish theatrical premieres. This will also be the first ever opportunity to see Alan Parker’s modern classic ANGEL HEART on

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NV Pre-Halloween Extravaganza @ Bio Rex Lasipalatsi on Saturday, October 16

Night Visions will be conquering the Bio Rex Lasipalatsi cinema in Helsinki on two Saturdays in October 2021. The lineup of Night Visions Pre-Halloween Extravaganza festival consists of four features: 03.00 PM COMA (dir. Nikita Argunov, Russia 2020, 111 min) Dialogue in Russian, subtitles in English. 05.30 PM EVENT HORIZON (dir. Paul W.S. Anderson, UK/USA

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Night Visions celebrates WHS Teatteri Union’s 7th anniversary on October 8, 2021

Night Visions’ absolutely fabulous exhibitor partner WHS Teatteri Union is celebrating its 7th anniversary in Helsinki in the beginning of October, 2021. We feel priviledged to have the opportunity to join the celebration with two special screenings of cinematic obscurities that relate closely to the James Bond fever that has taken the nation by storm

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Lisänäytös P.G. – Psycho Goremanista WHS Teatteri Unionissa 29.9.2021

Ensimmäinen NV-erikoisnäytös Steve Kostanskin magnum opuksesta P.G. – PSYCHO GOREMAN myytiin loppuun ennätysajassa. Sen takia leffasta järjestetään lisänäytös Helsingin WHS Teatteri Unionissa keskiviikkona 29. syyskuuta klo 19.00. Lisänäytöksen liput myynnissä NYT! Koska anniskelu pelaa ennen näytöstä ja sen ajan, ikäraja K-18.

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Night Visions goes Kino GAS on Thursday, September 16, 2021

The great people of Pop Up Kino Helsinki have built an outdoor cinema Kino GAS in an old gas bell of Suvilahti in Helsinki, and Night Visions will be conquering the peculiar premises of on Thursday, September 16, 2021. Our special screening is featuring two Helsinki premieres, Gaspar Noé’s eagerly awaited Cannes midnighter hit LUX

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NV-erikoisnäytökset WHS Teatteri Unionissa 14.9.2021

Kuten viime viikolla lupasimme, toimenpiteisiin ryhdytään HETI rajoitusten höllennyttyä. Eli tästä se alkaa: paluu uuteen NV-(ab)normaaliin! Tiistaina 14. syyskuuta 2021 Helsingin WHS Teatteri Unionissa tarjolla kaksi Suomen valkokangasensiesitystä: klo 18.00 DUNE DRIFTER klo 20.15 P.G. – PSYCHO GOREMAN. Yksittäisliput 10,00 e, kahden näytöksen kombo 16,00 e. Kannattaa muistaa, että yhä jatkuvan erikoistilanteen vuoksi lippuja on

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Night Visions cancels its postponed edition

We are deeply saddened to be forced to announce that the edition of Night Visions International Film Festival that was originally supposed to take place in Helsinki, Finland in November 2020 has been cancelled. The unconstitutional restrictions on cultural sector in Southern Finland have forced the festival organization to move the dates of the planned

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Opening screening of the fest taking place on August 18 while rest of it postponed

Night Visions International Film Festival is presenting NEW ORDER, the opening film of the upcoming edition of the festival, on Wednesday, August 18, 2021 at Helsinki’s Finnkino Kinopalatsi cinema. This special screening is taking place at 07.00 PM. To accomodate the current restrictions on cinemas, the audience will be spread to several Kinopalatsi screening rooms

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The next edition of Night Visions IFF moved to August

Night Visions International Film Festival is MOVING to NEW DATES yet again because of the restrictions applying only on cultural industry in the capital region of the nation and implemented unlawfully and unconstitutionally by Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland. The new dates of the upcoming edition of the festival are from Wednesday, August

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The next edition of Night Visions IFF moved by two weeks

Night Visions International Film Festival is MOVING to NEW DATES yet again because of the unconstitutional restrictions on public gatherings in the capital region implemented by Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland. The new dates of the upcoming edition of the festival are from Wednesday, July 21 to Saturday, July 24, 2021. The festival

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