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Kati Outisen kansainvälinen kauhurooli ja muita odotettuja uutuuksia kevään festivaalille

Pohjoismaiden suurin fantasia-, kauhu- ja scifi-elokuvien festivaali tulee taas 10.-14. huhtikuuta 2019! Night Visions Back to Basics 2019 -festivaalin avajaiselokuvana nähdään kevään suuriin kauhutrilleritapauksiin kuuluva Michael Chavesin ohjaus Itkevän naisen kirous (The Curse of La Llorona, USA 2019), jonka päätuottajana on häärinyt ohjaajanakin tunnettu genre-elokuvan kiintotähti James Wan (Saw, The Conjuring – Kirottu, Aquaman). Vesi kielellä odotettuja tapauksia ovat myös irlantilaiskonkari Neil Jordanin ohjaama ja Isabelle Huppertin sekä Chloë

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On Saturday, December 15, 2018 Night Visions International Film Festival will host rerun screenings of the audience favourites of the November 2018 edition of the festival. The screenings already announced earlier include Leigh Whannell’s cyberpunk action sensation Upgrade, winner of the Night Visions Audience Award 2018, and the Canadian serial killer thriller Summer of 84,

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Festival Favourites Get Additional Screenings in December

Night Visions Maximum Halloween 3018 audience favourites get additional screenings in WHS Teatteri Union on December 15th. The films of the special screenings are Upgrade and Summer of 84. Night Visions and WHS Teatteri Union give you one more chance to see two genre gems that will not get theatrical release in Finland. The films will

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Night Visions Attracts A Record Audience

Night Visions Maximum Halloween 3018 ended on Sunday with a record attendance. The festival gained an audience of almost 9 300 film-goers, the biggest audience in the 22 years of its existence. This record further cements Night Visions’ place as the largest genre film festival in the Nordic region. From the selection of 41 feature

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Festival kicks off on Wednesday – tickets are selling exceptionally well

The biggest genre film festival of the Nordic is ready to please its audience with the year’s most anticipated fantasy, horror, action and sci-fi films. Kinopalatsi will serve as the festival venue with the programme of 41 feature films ranging from newest festival hits to cult classics seen for the first time uncensored at Finnish silver

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Watch Night Visions Films to Win a Trip to Berlin Film Festival

Next week, Night Visions Maximum Halloween 3018 brings the best of this year’s genre films to Helsinki. This year you can also book yourself a free trip to Berlinale by watching Night Visions films. The winner of #europeanfilmchallenge wins a trip to Berlin Film Festival in February 2019. The trip includes accommodation and the Berlinale

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Filmmaker Guests of November 2018 Edition of the Festival Announced

Night Visions Maximum Halloween 3018 hits the silver screens of Helsinki on November 21-25. The filmmaker guests include talent from both sides of the Atlantic. The nine filmmaker guests of the festival will be presenting a total of 13 feature films to the Night Visions audiences during the five-day event. Among the guests are the

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Right on time for Halloween, Scandinavia’s biggest festival of fantasy, horror, scifi and action cinema Night Visions has unveiled the full lineup of its autumn 2018 edition. The event, last week listed as one of the “30 Bloody Best Genre Festivals in the World” by MovieMaker Magazine, is taking place in Helsinki, Finland from November 21 to

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Halloween-viikonlopulle lisää Night Visions -ennakkonäytöksiä

Night Visions tarjoilee lisää ennakkomaistiaisia marraskuun festivaalin ohjelmistosta perjantaina 2.11.2018. Halloween-viikonlopun jo aiemmin julkistettujen Vuotalon ja Teurastamon elokuvanäytösten lisäksi eksklusiivisia Suomen-ensi-iltoja on mahdollista nähdä WHS Teatteri Unionissa. Ennen Maximum Halloweenia on hyvä lämmitellä verenkiertoaan tavallisen Halloweenin leffatarjonnalla. Tämän syksyn Night Visions -festivaalin timanttisia elokuvia ja aiempien festareiden klassikoita esitetään ennakkonäytöksinä 2.-3.11. eri puolilla Helsinkiä järjestettävissä tapahtumissa. Tapahtumapaikkoina ovat WHS Teatteri Union,

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Night Visions ranks as one of “30 Bloody Best Genre Fests in the World 2019”

Just ahead of the announcement of the full lineup of its November 2018 edition next week, Night Visions International Film Festival makes it to the list of “30 Bloody Best Genre Fests in the World” of the Burbank based MovieMaker Magazine. The world’s best-selling independent movie magazine compiled the list with the help of seven

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